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Wright Junior High

Home of the Lions

Athletics Home

Highly Important

All athletes need to have a physical and forms completed by the first day of school. If the athlete does not have these 2 things done the first two weeks of school, they will be moved to PE. Athletes cannot participate in the athletic period or in practice until the athlete is "green"(eligible) in Rank One. 

We also need a utility bill(Athlete's name on it) dated after May 1st and a copy of the athlete's birth certificate.

All documents can be emailed to Amanda Frenzel

Communication between Coaches and Parents:

We will be using the app called SportsYou to communicate with you. You can also communicate back to us as well. Please upload this app by using the directions to the right --->
Follow us on Twitter: 


An invitation to join Wright JH Athletics on the sportsYou platform, with an access code: TNEH-TQE5.